mission of the
initiative is to see how information technology
can be diffused into everyday objects and settings,
and to see how this can lead to new ways of
supporting and enhancing people's lives that go above and
beyond what is possible with the computer today.
Specifically, the initiative
focuses on three-interlinked objectives:
- Investigate the new
approaches for designing for collections of artefacts
in everyday settings, and how to ensure that people's
experience in these new environments is coherent and
The initiative addresses these
three objectives with a number of independent
research projects and a number of support
activities run by a network made up of a
representation of all project partners.

notice: 02/10/2003
Open Day of DC Jamboree 2003 @ Interaction Design Institute IVREA:
Announcement, schedule
and location information.
notice: 08/09/2003
only: Schedule, Contact and Location information for
the third Disappearing Computer Jamboree is
now available
Notice: 17/03/2003
The web site of the new
"Disappearing Computer-2" FET proactive
initiative can be found here.
